Chad's brother Luke and his fiancee Erin were married on November 1, 2008 in Wooster, Ohio. Chad and I were both in the wedding and it was so much fun - here's the proof!
My new sister-in-law Erin and I getting ready for the rehearsal!
Rehearsal dinner festivities - Chad and his parents with Miss Makenzie at the end!
The rehearsal was on Halloween and the wait staff was all dressed up. Here's the happy couple with characters from the Wizard of Oz!
Luke points out that the exact spot of where they first met. It was at the restaurant where we had the rehearsal dinner.
Congrats Erin and Luke - but wait - that isn't Luke! It's his friend Trent. He was nice enough to be a stand in because I had to have a picture of the sign!
The mother of the groom (aka Linda) and Mackenzie, cousin of the groom and the most mature 11 year old I've ever met, and she had the best dance moves of the night!
I had to get a close up of my bouquet!
Luke and Erin at the reception.
Chad and Luke's friend Corby. I told him that he'd be making an appearance on the blog!
Cutting the cake!
Linda and Keith.
Chad and his grandparents.
Ahh - cute brothers!
The following weekend, my cousin Amber and her husband Ryan had a reception to celebrate their wedding, which was a smaller wedding that was a few weeks earlier. Chad didn't come along but I was so happy that I was able to make the trip!
My cousin Tiffany's little girl Audrey - she's 2 and she loves music! She wants a violin for Christmas so she's improvising with a baby guitar for now!
I helped set up things for the reception - the favors were fall apples!
Pretty fall colors with my aunt's creative touch.
Pumpkins galore - and an "S" for Stewart - Ambo's new last name!
The girls working hard!
Marya sweeping up!
Aunt C - always arranging something!
The happy couple!
The first group to hit the dance floor - Carolyn, Joe and Audrey!
Amber and Ryan doing a Polish tradition that involved bread butter, vodka and a sweet message that I can't quite remember - but it had to do with a lifetime of happiness!
Cute girls!
We had such a great time seeing our family and friends celebrate these weddings! What an exciting time!!
This weekend has been nice and relaxing one with not much going on. I found a restaurant (self proclaimed American brasserie) in Mayfair that makes hamburgers with American beef - so that's what we did for a late lunch/early dinner and it was goo-ood! We're doing Thanksgiving next weekend and then we'll be in Edinburgh, Scotland the following weekend to celebrate my milestone of a birthday! I really can't believe it's the end of November. We'll be heading back to the US for Christmas before we know it!
Hope everyone is doing well!
xoxox, Kari and Chad
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