Hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had an early one a week ago with a few fellow Americans at our flat. We couldn't do it the day of because they don't celebrate the Turkey Day in the UK (sensitive topic here!) and I was travelling for work up to Edinburgh, Scotland.
So we did get a little taste of the Scottish national holiday called St. Andrew's Day, (Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland) that falls on November 30th each year. Basically, the extent of our involvement in the holiday included free admission into the Edinburgh Castle and we got to see some fireworks over the Castle Saturday evening!
So, without further ado, I'll let the photos speak for me....
Here is one that I'm including from London because we had a visitor a few weeks ago and as promised, all our visitors get their photos plastered on the blog, whether they like it or not. This victim was very cooperative! It's our friend Tim Russo from college and he was in London for work. We got to spend an ever so lovely grey and rainy London Sunday with him!
So here starts our weekend in Scotland. My camera battery was low so I didn't get to take as many photos as I wanted! One thing that I didn't get a picture of has such a good story - I wish I had something to back it up! On Saturday morning, we decided to walk from our hotel to the Old Town and we happened upon a little local farmers market. We were walking along the stalls and I noticed a woman buying something and she looked familiar. She was with a man and two young children and it took me a minute to decide who it was but when I did, I had Chad check her out to see if he agreed. I am pretty sure it was J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books!! No one else around paid any attention to her but I promise it was her! Of course, I had to do some research and she has a home outside of Edinburgh and extended family that live there! I'll never know if it was really her but it's a good story!
Here is a view of the Edinburgh Castle, which is one of the main tourist attractions of the city. It's up on a hill overlooking the city and is at one end of the Royal Mile. At the other end is Holyrood Palace and is where the Queen stays when she is in town.
First we made our way up the hill to the castle and did our tourist thing. It was a pretty cold day but we powered through it and got to see the high points!! Chad and I are what you call efficient tourists - we do the sights but get them done in record time so we can enjoy the local atmosphere (aka - sitting down and resting and enjoying a good meal!) We didn't try haggis (sorry Andy!) but had some good Scottish beef!
Here I am with a lion statute at the Castle and below is Chad next to a statute of Adam Smith on the Royal Mile. For all you geeks out there, you know that Adam Smith is the "Father of Modern Economics" - Chad is an avid reader of the Economist and was excited to see this landmark. Look at the smile on his face - it makes me laugh (love you honey!)
So we hiked down the mile and ended up at the Palace and took a few shots...
The main entrance.
A Royal light fixture!

Pretty old Palace!
We then took a walk back towards town up Calton Road to see another view of the city at Sunset.....
Oh - I thought this road sign was cute! It was on the ground and wasn't of much use but I just liked it!
We finished the day by doing a little shopping and heading back to the hotel for a low key evening. We spotted the fireworks from our room because we had a view of the castle - the photo is not so great but I've included in anyway!
We finished the day by doing a little shopping and heading back to the hotel for a low key evening. We spotted the fireworks from our room because we had a view of the castle - the photo is not so great but I've included in anyway!
So that sums up our winter Scottish experience!
Now we're heading to bed and getting ready for another fun filled work week! It's amazing because Christmas is going to be here before we know it. Chad actually leaves a week from today to head back for the Holidays - he has a training in Orlando the week after this week and then is going to work from the US the following week and then it's Christmas! Time is flying!
Ta ta for now!! xoxox, Kari